Empowering Lives -
Inspiring Wellness
Your Path to Health, Happiness, and Diabetes Prevention
We Are
Fully Alive
Learn about the science behind your appetite, your metabolism and how fat is stored
Explore your personal health without shame or guilt
Develop an understanding of your behavior and your relationship with food
Set achievable short-term and long-term goals
Establish a solid, structured, personalized plan to reach your individual health goals
Receive compassionate accountability from professionals who will inspire and motivate you
Develop a life - Fully Alive!
Let us help you deepen your awareness of what is currently happening with you regarding your health. Patterns of behavior develop throughout our life and through coaching and support, we will help you discover thoughts, emotions and behaviors that are getting in the way of you living the life you want. The key is that we help you do that without guilt, shame, or judgment. You accepting your thoughts, emotions and behaviors is the first step in creating the life you desire!
After full awareness and ownership, we will provide you with the knowledge and support needed to make changes. This will involve deepening your understanding about your physiologic makeup and the understanding of how eating, exercise, and thinking habits impact your weight and mental wellbeing. You will be equipped with the tools needed to lessen stress and create healthy habits that are sustainable.
This is what it is all about. When you partner with us, you will begin to feel the impact of the intentional changes you make. You will experience living Fully Alive. You will feel the positive impact mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You living more fully alive will not only impact you, it will impact your relationships with everyone you connect with. You can become the spark that ignites a movement of people who are able to experience everything beautiful that this life has to offer.
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